
Friday, February 19, 2010

Anaphora resolution Tools

Anaphora resolution is the core linguistic problem, it is defined to identify the antecedent of pronouns and nouns. I still remember the computational linguistic-2 class where Dr. Laxmi madam, used to teach such types of typical linguistics problems, sometimes with no answers how computer science can solve the hard-coded linguistics. Anyways in current world many tools try to approach the problem of anaphora resolution but still results are not much promising. I will talk about some of the tools in this post.
1) GuiTAR:- First of all sorry to music lover. This tool is not for you guys. The tool comes in three versions. It uses the Charniak's parser input in Minimally associated XML format(MAS-XML). It mark the output in XML(with tags. It uses generic discourse model which uses partial implementation of Mitov approach for anaphora resolution which is one of oldest approach for anaphora resolution. It also uses Viera & Posesio (Definite Description)DD algorithm which gives it a significant improvement. It also gives lexical chains.
2) BART:- It is John Hopkins University Tool for anaphora resolution. It comes up with Machine learning model and build up in java. Like GuiTAR, BART also take input/output in XML format. It uses alternative Parser/NER for pre-processing.
One can use YumCha or Charniak's Parser and Caracafe/Stanford NER for NER purpose. Similarly it provides flexibility in ML models. One can uses Weka/Maxent/SVM-light.
I suggest you this tool if you good amount of training corpus for ML models.
3) MARS:- It is build on Mitov principle. It uses certain linguistic rules. If your data has noises, then I will not suggest you to use this tool.
4)JAVA RAP:- It is anaphora resolution tool, working on Lipin and Leass rules. It identifies 3rd person pronoun antecedents. Like BART and GuiTAR, it also uses Charniak's parser.

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